See our introductory letter to see how we can help you. BMS Letter.

See Our Code of Conduct and Cyber Security Policy. Policy


Jennifer Morin M.S., FitTec exercise physiologist, fitness trainer, muscle therapist


          •Master Degree Exercise Science (Kinesiology University of Massachusetts in Amherst)

          •17 years dance career

          •2 years experience as a rehabilitation technician

          •Post rehabilitation certified

          •8 years experience as a Fitness and Aerobics Coordinator and Strength Room Manager at YWCA of Central Massachusetts

          •8 years experience as a aerobic certification educator for YWCA

          •5 years experience as a public presenter for the Massachusetts Department of Public Health’s Osteoporosis team.

          •15 years experience as a Personal Trainer/Fitness Class Leader with FitTec

          •Muscle therapist and massage license

Education: Jennifer began her studies at Ithaca College as a biology student and later studied exercise science, receiving a B.S. degree, Magna Cum Laude, from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst with a major in zoology and a minor in psychology. She pursued her interest in exercise science during her master's studies, focusing on exercise biochemistry, muscle damage, health & fitness, and motor integration. Her graduate research on the hormone interleukin in endurance athletes was published in the ACSM’s journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, and she presented her work at their annual national conference. She was also a teaching assistant and tutor at UMASS.

Professional: Jennifer chose to enter the mainstream health and fitness world instead of pursuing a Ph.D. Her career began as a rehabilitation technician at NMS Rehabilitation of Worcester County, followed by an 8-year tenure as a fitness coordinator at the YWCA, where she revamped the fitness program and introduced strength and conditioning classes. She joined FitTec in 1998, working at pharmaceutical corporate fitness centers and heading FitTec’s home training program. In 2012, she pursued a full muscle therapy and massage license, completing her requirements in Spring 2013.

Related Information: Jennifer holds additional certifications, including as a post-rehabilitation specialist, and has been a public speaker and writer on bone health. She has also competed won in several fitness competitions and is currently a hospice volunteer at UMASS Medical, enrolled in the Mindfullness Program at Cal Berkley, and training as Black Belt in Karate and acompetitive dancer.

Christopher Morin M.S., M.Ed., AHFS, CMES, CHC, EXOSPS

FitTec exercise physiologist, health & fitness educator


          •Master Degree Exercise Science (Kinesiology University of Massachusetts in Amherst.)

          •Master Degree Health & Fitness (Springfield College)

          •2 years experience as a rehabilitation technician

          •Post rehabilitation certified

          •Founder of the American Fitness Testing Association

          •Co-editor of Understanding Fitness: How Exercise Fuels Health and Fights Disease

          •3 Published Research Abstracts

          •Former Fitness and BB Promoter for several regional and national events

          •Several published articles

          •Over 22 years owning FitTec Personal Training and Fitness Servicing

          •United States Patent Holder

          •26 years experience in the fitness industry

          •ACE Certified Advanced Health & Fitness Specialist, Medical Exercise Specialist, and Health Coach

          •Muscular therapy Institute Certfiied

          •EXOS Performance Athletic Specialist

          •Currently becoming a CEAS

Education: Christopher earned a B.A. in Biology from the College of the Holy Cross and an M.S. in Exercise Science from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, where he was involved in significant research projects and received multiple research assistantships and had his research funded by Gatorade. He later earned and fellowship and a M.Ed. in Health & Fitness from Springfield College, where he focused on all aspects of health and wellness, including athletic injury treatment and prevention,  and completed a graduate school internship in La Jolla, CA.

Professional: With over 30 years of owning a fitness business, Christopher offers personalized exercise instruction, sports nutrition consulting, advanced testing, post-rehabilitation, and fitness management. He is the owner of FitTec Personal Training with three locations in Massachusetts. He founded the American Fitness Testing Association and is published author and written many articles on health & fitness.

Project Timelines:

Established the American Fitness Testing Association (AFTA) in 2001

Co-editor of "Understanding Fitness: How Exercise Fuels Health and Fights Disease" (2008)

Published a clinical case study on exercise and type 1 diabetes (2008)

Patent pending for an exercise device (2009)

Involved in a pilot study on myofascial releasing rollers (2009)

Patent granted (2013)

Fitness Equipment Agreements with Torque and Sorinex Fitness (2015)

Contributor to an ACSM 2018 NE Fall Abstract on Forward Head Posture

Established I am Fit Program 2021

Established the IT Program 2024

Related Information: Christopher is a former winner of 10 bodybuilding titles and has trained numerous athletes, including bodybuilding champions and a sprinter with Olympic aspirations. He co-founded and co-promoted one of the largest drug-free shows on the East Coast, the NorthEast Classic.

Michael D'Amico LMT, CPT NKT Independent Muscle Therapist and Certified Trainer


Michael is a coach and muscle therapist north of Boston with a degree in exercise science from Salem State University. He does not call himself a “Massage Therapist” despite what his license in massage therapy implies! He does Clinical Movement Therapy. Hands-on treatment for clients can bridge the gap between client and trainer/coach. For clients in pain or have limited movement abilities, the right correction plan can make even the most chronic of injuries be a thing of the past.  Pain is not something you should live with!  He starts with movement history to explore all the past activities and potential traumas that led you to where you feel now. Initial assessment tools to help look for asymmetries within your specific body. Followed by a determination into what type of treatment would be ideal for you. Muscular massage therapy to help assess tight & overworked tissues in the body to find what the damaged or missing link is in the chain. Then he identifies your strengths and weakness and then creates your custom plan to get you back to your routine. He is a competitive powerlifter spending most of my competitive lifting career in the USAPL. He always loved training but the team aspect of the game of football wore off after high school and I soon quit college football to learn the ins and outs of strength and conditioning. While doing so I continued to love training and decided to enter into competitive powerlifting in 2014. While competing he began coaching in the fitness industry. He worked in the same facility for 6 years and was able to experience coaching a wide range of clientele with an array of different goals. As he continued to educate  himself in strength and conditioning and rack up hours and hours of coaching experience he learned a common denominator among his own personal training career and others. Typically, everyone got better when they got stronger. So I am now he is a man out to change each person’s perspective on what strength means to them. One deadlift PR at a time.

Anthony D'Amico Ph.D, MS, C.S.C.S Independent Strength and Conditioning Specialist & Research Associate.

Received his doctoral degree at Springfield College. He is working with FitTec on various research and writing projects. Anthony formerly an Academic All American has been with FitTec since 2006. He has a vast wealth of experience in all aspects of fitness and sports conditioning. He has helped FitTec in all aspects of the business from corporate work to home training. Recently he completed his Doctoral’s Thesis which explored the effects of muscle releasing on human performance.


Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science and Master’s degree in Physical Education with a concentration in Strength and Conditioning

Extensive experience as a personal trainer and strength and conditioning coach in a variety of settings


CPR/AED certified


FitTec – Southborough, MA – 2006 to present

Research Associate / Personal trainer

Trained and administered fitness tests to individuals of varying ages, physical abilities and levels of health. Trained individuals and taught classes at Astra Zeneca in Westborough, MA in a corporate fitness center through FitTec.

College of the Holy Cross – Worcester, MA – summer 2007

Strength and conditioning coach

Worked for Strength and Conditioning Coach Jeff Oliver’s “Be Athletic” program. Oversaw the organized workouts of groups of athletes ranging in age from middle school to collegiate. Primary responsibility was teaching proper weightlifting and agility technique to athletes.

Fitness Together – Bridgewater, MA – 2008 to present

Assistant manager/Personal trainer

Served as head trainer and assistant manager at a one on one personal training studio. Responsible for program design, nutrition consultation, and fitness testing. Helped grow studio from training an average of 120 sessions a week to training 180.


Bridgewater State College – Bridgewater, MA – 2010

Master’s degree in Strength and Conditioning (coursework completed) – GPA 3.94

Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science (Magna Cum Laude) - 2008

Served as faculty appointed teaching assistant in strength and conditioning lab as graduate and undergraduate student. Gained valuable experience lecturing undergraduate students.


2006 NCAA Academic All American for Bridgewater State wrestling team

2006 Bridgewater State College male scholar athlete of the year

Volunteer coach for Bridgewater youth wrestling

Code of Conduct and Cyber Security Policy

As an employee of FitTec, engaging in personal training, health coaching, and massage therapy services, it is essential to adhere to a code of conduct and maintain strong cyber security practices. The following guidelines are derived from the principles set forth by the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), and American Council on Exercise (ACE) as well as best practices in our industry.

Code of Conduct:


          a. Treat all clients with respect, dignity, and equality, irrespective of their age, gender, race, or background.

          b. Maintain a professional appearance, adhering to appropriate attire and personal grooming standards.

          c. Demonstrate punctuality and preparedness for each session, ensuring a safe and organized environment.


          a. Safeguard the privacy and confidentiality of all client information, adhering to relevant privacy laws and regulations.

          b. Obtain written consent from clients before disclosing any personal or sensitive information to third parties.

          c. Refrain from discussing client details or sharing identifiable information with colleagues or friends.


          a. Foster open and honest communication with clients, actively listening to their concerns and goals.

          b. Use clear and respectful language during interactions, avoiding offensive or inappropriate remarks.

          c. Provide accurate and understandable information about services, pricing, and potential risks involved.

          Professional Boundaries:

          a. Maintain appropriate physical and emotional boundaries with clients, refraining from any behavior that could be construed as romantic or sexual.

          b. Refuse any requests that are beyond the scope of practice or personal comfort zone.

          c. Seek guidance from supervisors or industry professionals in situations that require clarification or guidance.

Cyber Security Guidelines:

          Data Protection: Only Chris Morin can send any programming information to clients after his approval of the program.

          a. Safeguard client data by implementing strong security measures, including encryption and secure storage systems.

          b. Regularly update and patch software and systems to mitigate vulnerabilities.

          c. Obtain informed consent from clients before collecting, storing, or transmitting their personal information electronically.

          Password Security:

          a. Create strong, unique passwords for all accounts and systems used for client interactions.

          b. Implement multi-factor authentication whenever possible to enhance account security.

          c. Avoid sharing passwords or using the same password across multiple platforms.

          Email and Messaging:

          a. Use encrypted communication channels to share sensitive information, such as client records or medical history.

          b. Be cautious of phishing attempts and suspicious email attachments, verifying the authenticity of messages before clicking on links or downloading files.

          c. Do not share confidential client information via unsecured or public communication channels.

          Device Security:

          a. Regularly update operating systems, software, and antivirus programs on all devices used for work purposes.

          b. Enable device encryption and set up secure screen locks to protect against unauthorized access.

          c. Avoid using public or unsecured Wi-Fi networks for transmitting sensitive data.

Remember, as a representative of FitTec, you play a vital role in maintaining the trust and safety of our clients. By adhering to this code of conduct and following strong cyber security practices, we can ensure the highest standards of professionalism, confidentiality, and data protection.