Putting it all together.

Muscular Phase

Exercise Session

There are five phases to a basic fitness program and they typically proceed in the following order:

1. Warm Up Phase

2. Flexibility Phase

3. Cardiovascular Training Phase

4. Resistance/Strength/Muscular/Functional Training Phase

5. Cool Down Phase with Stretches

Resistance/Strength/Muscular/Functional Training Phase

Muscular ability is the capacity of your muscular system to exert force and to repeat/sustain force. Muscular strength is the ability to elicit maximal force while muscular endurance is the ability to elicit force repeatedly. Adequate muscular ability prevents disease and allows one to perform activities of daily living with vigor. It can be improved through exercise. It can be as simple as doing common movements to momentary muscular failure like a body weight squat. A workout should have all the major body parts worked (arms-bicep curls, legs-squats, chest-push ups, back-rows) done for 1 set for 10-15 reps or momentary failure. These exercises have been divided into two types (compound and isolation). Isolation exercises simply work one major muscle group, while compound works more than one.  A typical workout as a combination of them.

Besides compound and isolation exercises functional exercises should be incorporated into your program. A common definition of functional training is that it attempts to adapt or develop exercises which allow individuals to perform the activities of daily life more easily and without injuries. Functional training does not need to be complex. It can be as simple as doing Basic Core (bridges, birddogs, crunches), Balance (standing on one leg), and Compound Exercises like Push Ups, Squats and Lunges.

Muscular and Functional Conditioning should be done 2 to 3 times a week.

Where to Start

If you are very new to fitness I often suggest the following our very Simple Program (7 exercises with modified versions of the essential Essential 5 Core Exercises. If that is too easy follow a Basic Isolation Program with the addition of Non Modified Essential 5 Core Exercises, Gluteal (Core) Exercises, and Shoulder Stabilizing Exercises. As you progress add some additional Compound and Functional Training. The  Non Modified Essential 5 Core Exercises, Gluteal (Core) Exercises, and Shoulder Stabilizing Exercises I consider all Foundational Exercises and she be incorporated by everyone.

Simple Program (7 exercises with modified versions of the essential Essential 5 Core Exercises

In conjunction with the basic isolation exercises you should/must include the 5 essential core exercises, some type of lunges/squats, and band shoulder stabilizing exercises 2-3 x a week. You can also add additional Intro Compound Exercises as your fitness improves. The  Non Modified Essential 5 Core Exercises, Gluteal (Core) Exercises, and Shoulder Stabilizing Exercises I consider all Foundational Exercises and she be incorporated by everyone.