FitTec Tenets

te· net | \ ˈte-nətalso ˈtē-nət \

: a principle, belief, or doctrine generally held to be true

especially : one held in common by members of an organization, movement, or profession

These are some of our beliefs. This is not a complete list. We will be adding to them in 2021.

Our tenets are based on science based guidelines and best practices.

FitTec focuses on the latest wellness knowledge and its distribution, employing consistent, safe, effective wellness practices following accepted AHA, ACE, ACSM and NSCA guidelines. *

*American Heart Association (AHA), American Council on Exercise (ACE), American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), and the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).

1. Strive to be healthy above all. Many people start off with the goal of being Fit. That is great goal, but you can not consider yourself Fit without being Healthy first. See I am Healthy Webpage to find out what it takes to be Healthy. Never sacrifice your health for a fitness or sport goal.

2. If you are looking to go beyond being healthy and want to elevate your fitness you should understand what being fit means. Most people do not have any idea what it means: Being Fit means that you have an above average/elevated level of physical ability in all the components of fitness. It would be great to strive to be fit, but meeting the healthy criteria is more important (see I am Healthy). You can understand your own fitness by doing self-assessments. If you are looking to get Fit see I am Fit. If you are striving to be extremely Fit see I am xFit. If you are looking to be functionally fit see our Functional Screen Test. If you are looking to see if your run times are healthy and fit see I am 5k (if you want to run safely see our 5K Training Program). If you are just interested in your muscular fitness see our Muscular Ability Screen.

3. You should never feel pain from exercise (before, during, and after):Experiencing pain during or after exercise is not normal and should be addressed: While mild muscle soreness can be expected, any form of pain that hinders your movement and functionality is a cause for concern. If you're dealing with discomfort, reconsider your exercise program. For minor pain concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to us for potential assistance. If the pain is more severe, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.For more information about self-care techniques please see our Muscle and Joint Care Webpage.

4. Be kind to your body - use it but do not abuse it: Show kindness to your body by using it wisely, not mistreating it: Your body is a singular entity, so it's crucial to treat it with care. Regular physical activity is essential to maintain your physical capabilities; however, inappropriate or excessive exercise can have detrimental effects. The same principle applies to nutrition – it can either build your body up or break it down, depending on the quality and quantity. Adopting healthy habits such as incorporating restorative movements and stretches, taking recovery days, consuming a balanced diet, and ensuring adequate sleep is vital for overall well-being.

5. To the point of being kind to your body We generally advise against relying solely on a sport for exercise to enhance overall health. Instead, view sports as a recreational activity. Most sports involve physical risks, and if you choose to engage in athletics, it's crucial to condition and recover similarly to elite athletes. These professionals incorporate specific exercises to safeguard their bodies and optimize performance. While sports contribute to certain aspects of fitness, they may not cover all facets. Therefore, participating in your chosen sport once or twice a week may not suffice for your health. It is advisable to complement it with a comprehensive fitness program that addresses all aspects of your well-being and fitness. What is a foundational program? Ask us about exercises that will help you play your sport better and keep you safe.

6. If you do train make sure you have Recovery Days: Ensure you incorporate Recovery Days into your training routine: Typically, engage in muscular conditioning 2 to 3 days a week, perform aerobic exercises 3 to 6 days a week with diverse activities, and include daily restorative stretches and motion. Dedicate specific days in your week to focus on recovery. Activities like walking or light exercises are beneficial on these recovery days. Take the time to palpate your muscles – if they are sensitive to the touch, it's a sign that you may need additional recovery.

7. Make reasonable goals because they are most likely achievable and sustainable: Set realistic goals as they are likely to be attainable and maintainable: Many individuals tend to set excessively high expectations for their fitness journey. A reasonable expectation, especially when initiating a training program, is to aim for a five percent improvement in physical performance every few weeks. This could manifest as achieving an additional push-up, for instance. Long-term goals, such as reaching an average to above-average fitness level according to norms, are both reasonable and commendable.

8. Avoid Extremes when it comes to your health and fitness: When adhering to a training or exercise regimen, refrain from pushing yourself to extremes unless your sport or occupation necessitates it. Training excessively can lead to long-lasting physical problems that may take a considerable amount of time to recover from. While having ambitious goals is commendable, it is essential to adopt a safe and structured plan to ensure success. Avoid engaging in extreme fitness programs that induce pain, compromise good technique, and involve advanced, potentially hazardous exercises. The same principle applies to your diet – stick to basic and sensible nutritional practices.guidelines established from the A.N.D. ( Academy or Nutrition and Dietetics ). Fad and extreme diets are not in our vocabulary. For more about nutrition See Our Nutrition Information Page.

9. Do not use as exercise as a means to lose weight: Exercise will improve how you look and feel and it will change your body composition by increasing muscle mass, but it does not do a great job at helping you decrease body weight ( see article ). To lose weight it is more important to make your diet healthy and less in calories than what you are accustomed to. However, those who are successful in keeping their weight off according to the Weight Lose Registry combine both a sound diet and exercise for up to 60 minutes a day. So to take the weight off follow a healthy weight loss diet, but to keep it off you should perform aerobic exercise.

10. There is no one size fits all when it comes to your muscular fitness: Muscular fitness is not a one-size-fits-all concept: Each body is unique, and age plays a role in designing an effective fitness program. As mentioned, it's crucial to define your goals, evaluate your body in relation to those goals, and address any identified weaknesses while preserving your strengths through a tailored program. While the fitness toolbox offers various tools, there are key movements and exercises, often referred to as foundational, that are commonly incorporated into our clients' training:1) Types of Squats 2) Types of Lunges 3) Types of Rows/Pulls 4) Types of Pushing (example: Push Ups) 5) Types of Core Exercises: Bridges, BirdDogs, SideBridges, and Planks. What is a foundational program?

11. Practice good posture: Achieving genuine health and fitness is impossible when plagued by poor posture, as it can have detrimental effects on the body (see article).. To address this, it's vital to emphasize four key postural principles. First and foremost, maintain an upright head position pulled back to prevent forward head posture. Second, ensure your shoulders are retracted, and arms are slightly externally rotated to counteract rounded shoulders. Third, preserve the natural curves of your spine while sitting and standing to thwart lordosis, swayback, and kyphotic postures. Lastly, keep your knees bent, avoiding locking them out. These postural keys play a critical role in preventing various postural issues and are integral to overall health and fitness.Learn more at Medline Plus.

12. Work on your posture should be a first major fitness goal: When initiating an exercise program, it's crucial not to embark on random exercises without addressing poor posture, as this could potentially lead to problems. For instance, individuals with rounded shoulders could encounter shoulder issues if they immediately engage in shoulder presses. Prioritize posture correction through adjustments and cultivate good postural habits. Integrate exercises that both strengthen and stretch areas weakened and tightened due to specific poor postures. We encourage you to consult with us to explore postural exercises tailored to your needs. Consistently assuming a proper posture conditions your body to adopt improved alignment. Regularly transitioning into good posture entails stretching tight muscles and strengthening weak ones. Over time, this contributes to achieving the muscular tone necessary to maintain a healthy posture.

13. In conjunction with working on poor posture you should work on mobility as part of your first major fitness goal: Mobility is a combination of range of motion and proper movement where when you move your body it is aligned in a way that makes all the you do physically both safe and efficient. I have a daily moves program/restoration program that can help you do this.

14. Move Well (Remove Bad Movements): Ensuring good form in daily movements, such as lying, sitting, standing, squatting, twisting, lunging, lifting, walking, and running, is essential. By replacing poor movements with proper techniques, you promote faster recovery, healing, and establish lifelong habits for improved performance in life. Examples include:Maintaining a neutral spine while sleeping on your side or back, supported by pillows.Sitting with the three natural curves for no more than 20 minutes.Standing with weight evenly distributed, on the balls of your feet, and slightly bent knees.Performing squats with a hinged hip, neutral back, and using your buttocks as prime movers.Twisting from your legs and hips, avoiding strain on the low back.Lifting by engaging your hips, keeping the back locked, and lifting weight close to the body.Walking briskly with consistent strides, utilizing your arms.Running horizontally with minimal vertical displacement, landing lightly with feet under your body.These form-conscious practices contribute to immediate well-being and foster habits that support a healthier and more functional life.see more)

15. Build a resilient body first through foundational movements and exercises: I am a firm advocate on using a simple foundational stretches, motions, and exercises that may look boring and simple, but will wreck dividends in the end. If you only go hard with just a few compound exercises your training may be building on structural deficits that may show its ugly head someday. If you are looking for fitness extremes then start with and as you progress continue with foundational exercises. What is a foundational program?

16. Stretching should be performed regularly, but it should not be the sole form of exercise. A fitness program should also entail muscular, aerobic, and functional exercises. Just doing stretching, as in Yoga, may do more harm than good. Creating mobility with the lack of stability can cause joint issues. Stability is created through a balance approach of muscular conditioning around the joint. It is also important to stress that certain stretches and some Yoga poses carries risk. Understand that risk and what they are before trying them. Generally speaking a stretch that places undue stress on the joint or extreme positions should be avoided. You should not have pain when you stretch. Lumbar spinal flexion and twisting should also be avoided as well as having your head below your waist due to ocular issues. Stretching/Yoga Training Keys: Never stretch or move into pain. When stretching move slowly going to first resistance barrier and hold. Let the stretch happen. Do not sacrifice final position over form. Try to keep head above waist and try not to flex or twist spine under tension. It is more advantageous to have a normal degree of flexibility versus being hyper-flexible. Aim for balance/symmetry throughout your body. Follow a program specific for your needs (posture, habits, weaknesses, sport). Understand all of this through a personal assessment. We can help you with that. See flexibility page.

17. Include strengthening with stretching in preventing tight muscles: In order to fully address tightness and tightness the use of tissue work and stretching is not enough. Much of the tightness is caused by weakness either within the muscle or around them or both. Therefore to reduce nagging sensations you should assess where weakness and lack of motion exists and then incorporate all three (tissue work both massage and use of releasing tools, stretches/motions, and strengthening exercises). Postural and movement issues should also be addressed.

18. If you are doing muscular training you should work to or towards momentary muscular failure using only good form on one or more sets of an exercise: Momentary Muscle Failure is cornerstone of muscular training and it is the point at which no more repetitions can be performed using proper form due to complete acute exhaustion of the muscles. I am not saying that all sets should be done this way, but to improve your muscular strength it should be incorporated into your program.

19. Aerobic Conditioning requires you to get out of your comfort zone at times. Get out of breath daily at points. If you are healthy and able to exercise (see PAR Q) you should try push yourself where you get out of breath momentarily at points when doing aerobic exercise. Studies have shown just seconds to minutes of high intensity interval training can bestow health benefits beyond what you get from steady state exercise like walking at the same pace. So spice it up when doing aerobic exercise with 20 seconds to 90 seconds of higher intensity aerobic exercise for one or more intervals. Just one session of climbing 4 flights of stairs shown benefits. Make sure you are warmed up before.

20. Make sure you understand what your goals are and what would be the best exercises and movements for those goals. If your goal is to be healthy follow our simple Daily Moves Program or our Foundation Exercise Program might be appropriate. Foundational exercises include Core, Gluteal, and Shoulder Stabilizing Exercises. If your goal is some type of athletics or physical pursuit you should follow a more specific program for that sport or physical pursuit, but it should include Foundational Exercises to assure a base of fitness.

21. Every exercise has a purpose and some can be dangerous for your fitness level even for the elite level. Doing an exercise because it looks cool is wasted effort and may lead to an injury. Try to know what is right for you. Example: Competitive Olympic and Power Lifts. Some people do not have the hip structure to get into the deep squat position that is required for these lifts.  Please see Olympic and Power Lifts section below. We have assessment tools that will help you understand what exercises are best for you and Master Lists of Muscular and Functional Exercises for beginner, intermediate, and advanced abilities. See Muscular Ability and Functional Ability Pages for Self-Tests and Exercise Lists. We also have a comprehensive list of what exercises to avoid/limit/modify (see list).

22. Good nutrition does not need to be complicated.

When it comes to good nutrition I point simply to the healthy plate by Harvard (see plate). It is so simple to understand. Plenty of fruits and veggies, healthy fats, and lean proteins. The complicated part is just doing it. Make a plan and go with it. I do not care if you eat the same meals over and over again. I do. As long as they are healthy I am fine with it. Learn more about nutrition at this page.

23. Calories matters when it comes to weight loss.

No matter how you put it, calories will always be important for weight loss. A healthy diet might not always lead to weight loss, and conversely, an unhealthy diet might sometimes cause weight loss (like the Twinkee Diet). Every weight loss plan involves eating fewer calories. The key is to ensure these calories are healthy to maintain good health and performance. Calories will definitely remain crucial for weight loss, no matter how you say it or what approach you take. It's possible to struggle with weight even on a healthy diet, just as it's possible to lose weight while on an unhealthy diet (like the Twinkee Diet). All weight loss plans ultimately come down to eating fewer calories. However, the important part is to make sure the calories you do eat come from healthy sources to support overall health and performance. For a list of healthy diet options, check out the "List of Healthy Diets" page provided. (see Twinkee Diet). For a comprehensive list of healthy diet options, refer to the provided page-healthy diet list on this page.

24. Make the times you eat work for you. Leverage the timing of your meals to your advantage. While I typically recommend three healthy meals and a couple of snacks per day, it's essential to find what suits you best. Intermittent fasting, for instance, involves a shorter eating window of around 6 hours during the day, which can be effective for some individuals. However, for athletes or those aiming to build muscle, I advise against this fasting approach, as it may not provide the necessary nutrients and energy to support their active lifestyle and fitness goals.

25. Make sure whatever dietary practice that you follow is healthy and that you can sustain it for life. If you can't see yourself sticking with a certain approach for a while, it might not be the right choice. When considering a dietary plan, it's crucial to think about its long-term feasibility. While fad diets and extreme restrictions might promise quick results, they often lack the necessary nutrients and balance to support your overall well-being in the long run. Sustainable dietary practices focus on providing your body with the nutrients it needs while accommodating your lifestyle and preferences. Opting for a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-rich foods can help you maintain good health and energy levels over time. Incorporating whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats can ensure that you're getting the necessary vitamins and minerals. Moreover, finding an approach that suits your tastes and fits into your daily routine will make it much more likely for you to continue following it over the years. Remember, consistency is key. It's better to make gradual changes that you can stick with rather than attempting drastic changes that are hard to maintain.

26. Plan for the Rest of Your Life: If you can’t see yourself eating the same way the rest of your life find a better plan. The same could be said for your conditioning program for the most part.

This principle holds true in many effective dietary approaches. Achieving successful results through dieting requires embracing change, both small and significant, to make it work. Since everyone is unique, I believe in meeting individuals where they currently stand and gradually introducing small adjustments. This approach demands time, patience, and practice, but based on my experience, it is the most effective and sustainable way to achieve positive outcomes.

27. Supplements: They are not the answer. Supplements are supplementary additions to your diet, meant to complement and potentially enhance it. While there are a few situations where supplements can be beneficial, I generally advise against spending money on them unless your doctor specifically recommends them for particular health needs.(see my supplement page).

28. Water is life: Water is crucial for daily good health and to perform at your best (see article). The ideal amount of water intake varies for each individual, and finding what works best for you is essential. A good guideline is to aim for enough water to keep your urine a pale color. Drinking water regularly throughout the day is important, and some suggest having water every hour. While the common recommendation is eight glasses of water per day, this can differ depending on factors like exercise frequency, outdoor work, and existing medical conditions. Those who engage in regular physical activity or have specific health conditions may need to consume more water to offset increased water loss. Therefore, personalizing your water intake based on your unique needs is crucial for maintaining proper hydration.

29. A diet can not be Healthy without Fruits and Veggies: The inclusion of fruits and vegetables is vital for a healthy diet; I haven't come across any scientific paper that refutes this fact. A diet lacking in fruits and veggies can lead to deficiencies and increase the risk of various diseases. Studies have shown that individuals who do not consume enough fruits and vegetables tend to have a lower life expectancy. Therefore, it is evident that incorporating these nutritious foods into our diet is essential for maintaining good health and well-being.

30. Eat Healthy Protein Rich Foods, but there is no need to over do it: Both excessive and insufficient protein intake can have adverse effects on health and body weight. It's essential to find the right balance that works for you, ensuring you get an adequate amount. For most individuals, this ranges from 15 to 30 grams per meal if they have three meals a day. As a general guideline, I usually recommend aiming for 20-30 grams of protein with each meal to support overall health and well-being. Remember that individual needs may vary, so it's essential to tailor your protein intake based on your specific health goals and requirements. There are plenty of healthy foods that provide 20-30 grams of protein per serving. One excellent source is lean poultry, such as skinless chicken breast or turkey, which offers around 25-30 grams of protein per 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving. Another option is fish, like salmon or tuna, which contains approximately 20-25 grams of protein in a similar portion size. For plant-based protein, legumes like lentils or black beans are great choices, providing roughly 15-20 grams of protein per cup when cooked. Greek yogurt is another nutritious option, offering about 15-20 grams of protein per 6-ounce (170-gram) serving, while tofu, a versatile soy-based product, provides approximately 10-15 grams of protein in a 4-ounce (113-gram) serving. Including a variety of these protein-rich foods in your diet can help you meet your daily protein needs while promoting overall health.

31. Carbs should not be avoided, but embraced: As a health coach, I firmly advocate against recommending anyone consume less than 400 calories worth of carbohydrates a day. Such an intake would classify as a very low carb diet, and while it may be effective for initial weight loss, it can also lead to depletion in the body, hindering optimal function, while not be long lasting weight loss. Fruits and vegetables play a crucial role in a healthy diet and are abundant sources of carbohydrates, whether in the form of starch, simple sugars, or fiber, or a combination of these. Additionally, whole grains are excellent sources of healthy carbohydrates, along with essential vitamins and minerals that support overall well-being. Striking a balance and including these beneficial carbohydrates in your diet is key to maintaining good health and achieving your health goals. (see MayoClinic).

32. You need to breathe to live, but to breathe right takes understanding and effort: In essence, the key advice is to prioritize breathing through your nose as it has proven to be exceptionally healthy. This applies not only during daily activities but also while exercising. Avoid holding your breath during workouts, even in weightlifting exercises. Practicing mindfulness regarding your breathing throughout the day is beneficial. When possible, focus on "Restorative Breathing," which involves breathing from the diaphragm, often referred to as belly breaths. Following these practices can contribute to improved overall well-being and better respiratory health.. See articles: Breath Nose, Breath Belly, and Breathing During Exercise.

33. You may think it does not matter some fitness professionals say it does not, but Posture does matter to me. Think about it often. Protect the curves. maintaining proper posture is essential for overall health and well-being. It is understandable that some fitness professionals might not emphasize it, but for many, including myself, it remains a significant concern. Being mindful of your posture throughout the day is crucial. By protecting and preserving the natural curves of your neck, mid-back, and low back, you can reduce strain on your body. Keeping your shoulders back and your head held high contributes to better alignment and lessens the risk of discomfort.When standing, avoiding locking your knees and keeping them slightly bent can provide better support for your body and reduce pressure on your joints. Correct posture can help stretch tight muscles and strengthen weaker ones, resulting in improved flexibility and stability. By making a conscious effort to maintain proper posture, you can minimize the risk of musculoskeletal issues and enhance your overall physical well-being.

34. a. Do not do a sport to be fit. Be fit to do a sport. The same can be said about running. Do run to be fit, be fit to run. Don't rely solely on playing a sport or running to stay fit. Instead, maintain a well-rounded fitness regimen that addresses various aspects of fitness. Engaging in a sport-specific conditioning program is essential to enhance your performance in the sport and prevent injuries. While many sports can improve certain aspects of fitness, it's unlikely that any single sport covers all dimensions. To excel in your chosen sport and stay healthy, it's vital to have a diverse fitness approach and incorporate targeted conditioning that aligns with the demands of your sport. This combination ensures you're fit, prepared, and equipped to perform optimally while minimizing the risk of injury.

35. Most sports carry injury risks. Become aware of them and be proactive by following a proper conditioning program.  Engaging in most sports involves inherent risks of injury. It's important to recognize these risks and take a proactive approach by adhering to a suitable conditioning program. Our guidance can assist you in identifying the necessary steps to maintain your health, fitness, and a life free from pain. By understanding the potential risks and preparing your body through proper conditioning, you can enjoy your chosen sport while minimizing the likelihood of injuries that could affect both your athletic pursuits and daily activities.

36. Performance numbers are important in athletics but not as much as you think. Performance metrics hold importance in athletics, but their significance should not be overestimated. Excelling in weight room records or speed drills does not guarantee superiority on the field. However, enhancing your overall athletic capacity can positively influence performance and injury prevention. For instance, an NFL study demonstrated an inconsistent statistical link between combine tests and professional football success, indicating that certain metrics do not guarantee field performance. In essence, while metrics have a place, they're just one facet of athletics. Bolstering physical and mental capabilities, refining skills, and preventing injuries through proper conditioning are all vital for lasting athletic achievement. The amalgamation of these elements contributes to enduring success in sports. (Study).

Impressive training numbers might not directly correlate with competition success. True athletic excellence involves skills, strategy, teamwork, adaptability, and mental readiness. Still, improving your sport-specific capacity through targeted training can yield benefits. Enhancing endurance, strength, agility, and flexibility can positively impact movement mechanics, reaction times, and sustained performance.

Effective training that focuses on sport-specific conditioning can also reduce injury risks. Strengthening muscles and joints stressed during sports movements can lower the chance of strains and sprains.

37. Stand when you can, but do not stand all the time. Find a balance between sitting and standing. While standing has its benefits, it's not advisable to stand continuously. I recommend standing up and stretching every 20 minutes after sitting for a while. Taking a deep breath and reaching for the sky can help nourish your spine. Standing offers multiple advantages, but moderation is key. A suitable ratio is either 1:1 (equal time standing and sitting) or even 4:1 (standing four times more than sitting), allocating 50% or 75% of your time to standing, respectively. This approach ensures you enjoy the benefits of standing without overdoing it. (Article).


38. An easy way to stay healthy is to eat a rainbow. The most vibrantly colored fruits and vegetables are the richest in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. Fruits and vegetables get their coloration from phytochemicals, natural bioactive compounds which, in addition to giving many fruits and veggies their eye-catching hues, also promote good health.  (Article).

39. Eat Healthy Fats Dietary fats are essential for good health. Do not buy into that fat will make you fat. On the contrary, eating just carbs leads to eating more carbs because they do not satisfy as much as fats do. On top of that many key nutrients like fat soluble vitamins need dietary fat to be absorbed into your body. On top of that fat helps give your body energy, protects your organs, supports cell growth and keeps cholesterol and blood pressure under control. Current guidelines allow you to eat a very high percentage of calories from fat, which was not the case in the past. I would suggest keeping it between 25 to 35% of your calories to make room for healthy proteins (see above), fruits and veggies, and whole grains. Knowing the difference between healthy fats and unhealthy fats is a key. Read more at Harvard Health, but healthy fats are Unsaturated. There are two types: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Monounsaturated fats are found in avocados and peanut butter; nuts like almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, and pecans; and seeds, such as pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower seeds. It is also in plant oils, such as olive, peanut, safflower, sesame, and canola oils.  Besides heart health the benefit of eating more "good" fat and less "bad" fat is that this can keep the brain healthy, says Harvard Health. Studies have found a strong association between people who follow the MIND diet and a lower risk of Alzheimer's disease. The MIND diet advocates eating more of 10 certain foods and less of five others. Among the good ones are healthy-fat foods like nuts, fatty fish, and olive oil, while the bad ones — butter, cheese, red meat, pastries, and fried and fast foods — contain high amounts of saturated fat.

40. Eat Fiber (in most cases) Americans are under nourished when it comes to many nutitional components and fiber is one of them. The reason being is that they are found in fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts, and seeds which Americans do not eat enough of. If a food is processed most likely it is low in fiber. It’s important to get the right amount fiber to keep your digestive system running smoothly. It also provides a lot of health benefits beyond digestion, such as help with weight loss and balancing gut bacteria. According to many health authorities women should try to eat at least 21 to 25 grams of fiber a day, while men should aim for 30 to 38 grams a day. Here's a look at how much dietary fiber is found in some common foods (say Mayo).

41. Stay Away from Added Sugar If you do not know this where have you been. The AHA suggests an added-sugar limit of no more than 100 calories per day (about 6 teaspoons or 24 grams of sugar) for most women and no more than 150 calories per day (about 9 teaspoons or 36 grams of sugar) for most men. There's no nutritional need or benefit that comes from eating added sugar. Natural sugar from veggies and fruit are not added sugar. I would say to stay away from juice even though it comes 100% from fruit because the healthy fiber has been removed from the fruit to make juicel Sugar comes in many forms and names. Here is the list to avoid: more than 60, if we’re talking about what’s listed on nutrition labels. Here are a few of them.

          Brown sugar

          Corn sweetener

          Corn syrup

          Rice syrup



          Barley malt

          Fructose sweetener

          Fruit juice concentrates


          High-fructose corn syrup


          Invert sugar



          Malt syrup

          Maple syrup


          Pancake syrup

          Raw sugar



          Turbinado sugar

42. Stay away from Red and Processed Meats According to Harvard Health the accumulated body of evidence shows a clear link between high intake of red and processed meats and a higher risk for heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and premature death. The evidence is consistent across different studies (see article). Some kinds of red meat are not necessarily healthier. There are no firm studies that have shown nutritional or health advantages from eating organic or grass-fed beef. These types of red meat are often more desirable as they contain low or no growth hormones compared with grain-fed beef. If you have to eat it some health authorities suggest to limit consumption to no more than about three portions per week. Three portions is equivalent to about 350–500g (about 12–18oz) cooked weight. Consume very little, if any, processed meat.

43. Try to have Fatty Fish if you can. According to many highly cited and accepted health sites oily fish, fatty fish are the best sources of two of the three most important omega-3s (EPA and DHA). These fatty acids are considered the good fats, unlike the bad saturated fats in meat. They may deliver huge health benefits for your heart, brain, lungs, and circulation. Oily fish is rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have been shown to reduce inflammation and potentially lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. Both white and oily fish are good sources of lean protein. Oily fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, and trout are full of omega-3 fatty acids..

44. Besides conditioning your big muscle condition the smaller stabilizing muscles. Stabilizing muscles are  important muscles for support and posture. If you have strong and balanced stabilizing muscles you most likely have proper posture and alignment, which means possible decreased pain and risk of injury.

In any movement, stabilizer muscles act to stabilize one joint so the desired movement can be performed in another joint. These muscles usually aren't directly involved in a movement, but work to keep you steady so that your primary muscles can do their job. The CORE is the most well known stablizing muscle system around your trunk and hips. Other stablizing muscles work around other joints like the rotator cuff muscles as well as the muscles that wrap around the knee and ankle. I spend a lot of time making sure the my clients have a stable and balanced stablizers to assure that the exercises they do will not cause harm.

45. Take care of your feet. Feet are your body's foundation, so keeping them healthy is vital to your overall health. Years of wear and tear can be hard on your feet. Overuse, shoes that don't fit properly, and even genetics can lead to injuries and disorders of the foot that can greatly impact your mobility.You need to do things that will strengthen your feet as well as following proper foot care. Here are some Basic Care Items from WebMed

     1     Check them daily for cuts, sores, swelling, and infected toenails.

     2     Give them a good cleaning in warm water, but avoid soaking them because that may dry them out.

     3     Moisturize them every day with lotion, cream, or petroleum jelly. ...

     4     Avoid wearing tight-fitting shoes. ...

     5     Skip the flip-flops and flats.

     6     Rotate your shoes so you’re not wearing the same pair every day.

     7     rim your toenails straight across with a nail clipper. Then use an emery board or nail file to smooth the corners, which will prevent the nail from growing into your skin.

46. Work on your balance? I can not get over what poor balance most people have. It is a true sign of overall fitness and function. It is so important to have a we age. Balance exercises are part of all my training programs. I personally incoporate them into my own training. ( see more about balance and functional training here ). According to Athleco improving your balance has shown a lot of promise in being able to prevent injuries for a wide range of people. For athletes, balance work is associated with a dramatically lower risk of injury. Just one sprained ankle will predispose you to future ankle sprains for life, but regular balance work can decrease your risk of a sprain by nearly 40%. For the elderly, improved balance could prevent a fall, which is the cause of over 90% of all hip fractures–one of people’s most life-altering (and shortening) injuries.

47. Know these important numbers (1). Waist Circumference is one of the most important health metrics. I consider it and blood pressure the two most important. Waist circumference is a good measure of fat around your middle. This type of fat builds up around your organs, and is linked to high blood fat levels, high blood pressure and diabetes (see site). A larger waist usually also means there is excess fat inside your organs. Waist circumference (WC) is an indicator of intra-abdominal adipose tissue, high levels of which confer an increased risk of cardiometabolic disease. Population data on WC should be more informative than data on body mass index (BMI), which is a general indicator of body size according to the NIH.

48. Know these important numbers (2) Blood Pressure. It's important to get an accurate blood pressure reading so that you have a clearer picture of your risk for heart disease and stroke. High blood pressure can damage your arteries by making them less elastic, which decreases the flow of blood and oxygen to your heart and leads to heart disease. In addition, decreased blood flow to the heart can cause: Chest pain, also called angina. High blood pressure has been nicknamed the silent killer.  It usually doesn't present obvious symptoms until it's too late, so you have to be proactive in measuring it throughout your life. The good news is that there are many steps you can take to lower blood pressure before taking medication. Limiting salt intake, drinking less alcohol, quitting smoking and getting more daily exercise have all shown to be effective, which are all the things we preach.

49. Know these important numbers (3) Heart Rate. This is very easy to measure. Most fitness tracking devices do it for you. If you don't have time to go to the doctor to get your blood pressure checked, your resting heart rate may give you a clue whether it's too high or not. A study of World Health Organization data showed that elevated resting heart rates are strongly correlated with high blood pressure, and in turn cardiovascular mortality. A normal resting heart rate is anywhere between 60 and 100 beats per minute, though if you're in really good shape it might be even lower. While a very high resting heart rate, called tachycardia, can be a serious medical emergency, monitoring average levels can give you good indicators to your overall health as well. Resting heart rate tends to rise when you are stressed, exercising less or not getting enough sleep.

50. Know these important numbers (4) A1C. Prediabetes and of course diabetes is disasterous to your body. Unfortunately some people do not know that they have either one. People with prediabetes are in danger of getting diabetes, and are at higher risk of chronic kidney disease and heart and blood vessel diseases. A1C is one of the commonly used tests to diagnose prediabetes and diabetes, and is also the main test to help you and your health care team manage your diabetes. Higher A1C levels are linked to diabetes complications, so reaching and maintaining your individual A1C goal is really important if you have diabetes.

51. Know these important numbers (5). LDL One in every six Americans has high cholesterol, making them twice as likely to develop heart disease. But, total cholesterol isn't all bad -- it plays an incredibly important role in your body. It's found in every cell, and plays a vital role in creating the cell membrane that protects all the good stuff inside. Typically, when people talk about "cholesterol," they're usually referring to LDL, or "bad" cholesterol, which you want to be LOW. There's also HDL, or "good," total cholesterol, which you want to be HIGH, and triglycerides, which you want to be LOW. A healthy diet low in processed food and exercise is the best first treatment for high bad lipids (LDLs and TRIs). Quitting smoking also help. Cholesterol naturally rises with age.

52. Take it one step at a time. Rome was not built in a day. So take the attitude of making small changes that you can and build on. If you start walking on a regular basis you might ask how can I feel stronger doing this. That is when we would introduce some simple strengthening. Or say you started eating basic iceberg salads on a regular basis and one day you said how can I make this healthier. That is when we would add leafy greens like baby spinach and spring mix or to make it more interesting by adding vegetables like carrots, peppers, onions, beets, cucumber etc. Good habits tend to build on each other. Create a foundation of basic and simple healthy habits and away you will go. You will always have that initial base to support you.

How to Create an Initial Healthy Base:

1. Learn to Breathe Right ( see our articles: nose breathing and belly breathing ) through your nose using your abomen.

2. Try to get Seven Hours of Sleep a Day ( see our article)

3. Drink several servings of Water Daily ( see our article )

4. Walk when you can and try to accumulate 20 to 30 minutes throughout the day ( a minute here and there )

5. Do several flights of stair a day ( to get you heart pumping faster )

6. Try to stand every 20 minutes and reach for the sky and lean back for good joint health ( see our article )

7. Eat a Rainbow :) Try to get at least 3 servings of veggies a day and 1-3 servings of fruit ( see our article )

8. Use Olive Oil or other Healthy Oils or Fats with some meals ( see our article )

9. Try to do some Basic Daily Moves or follow our Simple Fitness Program because Motion is Lotion or come to us to have a Foundation Assessment and Program built for you.

10. Meditate for 1 to 5 minutes through mindful breathing, prayer, visualization, or whatever form you choose ( see our Relaxation Program ). A 10 minute Nap is sometimes a good thing ( see our article ). Both have you taking time for yourself.

We have been in the health and fitness business for many decades now.

These are some of the things we wished we knew years ago.


When it came to the perception of  tightness I would just give stretches. What I have found is that if a muscle feels really “tight” it is rarely actually the muscle. Most often this feeling of tightness is a perception coming from the central nervous system based on input from the periphery. It could be from muscle weakness, decreased neural mobility, or protective guarding based on perception of threat such as joint hyper-mobility. Decrease the threat or strengthen the tissue and you decrease the perceived tightness many therapist suggest. What I have found is that general strengthening of the area really works well at decreasing the tightness. What I also found works well is just simple motions where the area is brought through natural pain free motions that does not elicit pain. This works well for tightness in the traps, where simple shrug motions with and without weight tends to work better than stretching. I do not say not to include stretching for tightness, but when stretching do not go to the point of pain or push through the end motion. Hard stretching might feel good while you are doing it, but may cause more discomfort after. Rather go to the first resistance barrier and let the stretch happen, but include other motions and strengthening.

2. In the past I would have a client not work into any pain if they were recovering from an injury. Now many therapists say it is OK to bump int the pain or have pain at a level 3 out of a 1-10 scale. Goldilocks is a hypothetical zone (I.e. not too much, not too little) where we can attain the physiological adaptations that we want, while not worsening existing conditions in case of an injury or low level of fitness. In the distant past I would not allow my clients to workout if they had pain. But research supports motions that are right and that do not elicit too much pain if someone has an injury. I use the expression motion is lotion a lot. In case of back pain I often suggest walking or standing in many case or even supported squats throughout the day.

3. Years ago I stressed continuous aerobic exercises as a means to burn calories and increase aerobic function. Yes this does help but what really increases aerobic fitness is HIIT ( High Intensity Aerobic Training ). I can not say enough about getting a least 2-3 sessions per week of HIIT. Please read more here. It is a rea game changer. Not only does it make you more fit you also get a great mental boost from it more so than from continuous aerobic training. I am not saying not to do continuous aerobic training but to employ both. It can be done simply by increasing your speed for one or more intervals each time you do aerobic exercise fro 30 to 60 seconds to a oint where you lose your breath. Read More Here

4. In the way past I use to push my own agenda on my clients based on testing and what I felt was best after learning about their goals. Now I really try to work around what they think they need. Here I have a great situation of being able to give them a plan they are going to buy in to while simultaneously selling them on other interventions that I know may may benefit them most. In other words I try to meet them where they are at and want and I work from there.

5. Going heavy to build muscle

6. Just doing compound motions

7. Mobility work

8. Balance

9. Eating Fat
